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Performancekunst & Tanz

2019 Kiel, DE

Music, choreography and design produced and performed

by Leon Franzke

Previous research with NEON Choreographic Collective

Coproduced by De Nieuwe Oost


For this solo Performance a music album was written and produced and is performed live in this piece. The red threat is the topic of joy, especially guilty pleasure. The extatic and selvdestructive physicality of a rock concert emphasizes the contemporary question of individual and social freedom: ,,How much can one endulge in comfort and pleasure before others are limited and hindered?“ The songs of the album Paces are purposely written and performed in german, my mothertongue. A link to social history, heritage, individualism and egoism as the piece is performed for a dutch and international audience. The lyrics are based on old nordic mythology. Theese ancient sagas have suprisingly strong connections to modern societies guilty pleasures and errors, such as mass consum, nationalistic streams and neglection. Most of us sometimes fear the unknown and uncomfortable. Often enough anger and defense devellop from fear. It is not always easy to act rational and moral and find innovative solutions for problems. We are not machines, we are human. Feel free to watch, listen, associate. You may be touched or not, this is a very personal piece. You can see, hear and understand anything that sums up to your reality or questions it. You are welcome to endulge in joy and egoism or suffer from guilt and shame for such thoughts. This mirrors the torn state our world is in, wanting to walk forwards while bearing the task of protecting cultures. There is effort and pleasure, join me in the delicious struggle and let yourself be taken to a mystical journey through the ancient or even animalistic roots of here and now. This piece is a desperate try to find a safe and comforting place for myself. It is definetely a piece against right wing intentions!

P.S: A solo is a solo. But this is a piece about the presence of unforseen elements.


1.Reiner (adaptation of the name Rainer ; rein = short form of herein = engl. Into)

Introduction to the Performance, Version of No.9 „Fluchtweg“(Rainer)

2. “Eis und Asche” (Intro) Ice and ashes, ijs en as
Nordic Creation Saga: In the beginning there was only fire and mist. Between the two worlds roaring waterfalls are tumbling down into a gaping canion and freeze in the air on the one side.The other side is hot so the ice begins melting. What has been formed by the cold is brought to life by the warmth.

3. „Fleisch und Blut“ (77477) Flesh and Blood, Vlees e Bloed
Giant and hermaphrodite Ymir (=twin) ist he first living being. The mating of his feet brings forth a six headed son and many more enormous monsters. Ymir sucks milk from the udder oft he giant cow Authumbla. She licks a salty stone until a whole beautiful male body is revealed: the forefather oft he gods: Byre.

4. Pride Trotz, Stolz

Languages are great possabilities to challenge ones horizon. Learn something new, understand “foreigners“. Trying to speak a foreign language proofs respect for that culture.

The line between fear and pride is nearly imperceptible, at the heart of pride is the fear of looking stupid. Pride convinces people to feel justified, in quitting. Because for prideful people approval is sought at all costs, even at the cost of succes. Prideful people like to appear as if they have everything figured out. They are terrified of being wrong, or worse they are afraid of appearing vulnerable. This fear puts them on very dangerous ground because people who have been captured by this category of pride wont ask for help. They wont ask questions, and they don’t want to do anything to challenge the status quo. To overcome this type of pride one must understand that vulnerability is a good thing. It inspires us to seek continual learning. And most important, it grants us the courage to change. Pride causes people to experience feelings of entitlement, they expect maximum results for minimal effort and throw their hands up in the air when things don’t immediatelty go their way.  Well, news flash, the world ows you nothing! This is a hard reality to swallow in a world plagued by patterns of entitlement.

5. „Hochzeit“ Wedding, huwelijk
Thor lost his masculinity and regained it by putting his ego to the side. His hammer, symbol of his power was stolen, so Thor dresses up as a woman to marry the thief and gets the hammer back as a wedding gift.

6. ‘‘Erschaffung“ creation, schepping
The giant Ymir the first being that ever lived was killed. He and his kind had become to many, all other groups had become minorities, did not have enough space and were afraid of war. So Odin and his brothers killed the sleeping Ymir and from the giants body they made the world that humans live on now. Ymirs blood is our ocean and all his children drowned in the flood. His bones are the mountains and his scull is now the sky dome.

7. Zwilling (Chor) Twin, Tweeling

The death of Ymir and the awakening of the human world.

8. „Fluchtweg“ escape route, vluchtroute
Original song from Hell Yeah. Based on the poem Eingang (Entrance) by Rainer Maria Rilke. Encouraging to step out of the comfort zone into the unknown.

9. „Erdung“ Grounding, aarding
A tiny journey downwards. Out of the buzzing head, across the poisoned organs, through the pelvic floor into the feet. Through the naked soles into the earth, plants or stone. Through the root system until the centre of the earth. Short and handy for in between times.

10. „Circles“ (Evening Rise)
A song about the etearnal passing of time the earth and its traces.The interplay oft he elements in perfect balance of give and take. Part of a whole. Recorded with a loopstation and acapella.





Choreographic Collective

Nanna Jensen & Leon Franzke


NEON Website


Kaspar Föhres, GER

Enrico Meyer, NED

Hellen Boyko, RUS

Malika Berney, AUS

Sarah Miguelote, POR

Sebastian Pedersen, DEN

Hell Yeah 
NEON Choreographic Collective
Producer: De Nieuwe Oost, Arnhem 
Arnhen/ Utrecht, NL

Hell Yeah, 


ist eine 60 Minütige Tanztheater-Vorstellung im Gewand eines Rockkonzertes. 

Eine Vorstellung, die Themen wie Privatsphäre, Öffentlichkeit, Performance, Ehrlichkeit, Durchsichtigkeit bedenkt.

Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen.

Außerdem, das ewige Schuld-Problem: Seit Jahrhunderten quälen uns die auch Christlichen Fragen: "Wie sehr darf ich mein Leben genießen, mich selbst verwirklichen oder verteidigen? Wie sehr muss ich mich anpassen, Anderen helfen, um kein schlechter sondern gerechter Mensch zu sein? Vor dem Hintergrund der voranschreitenden Globalisierung, wie stolz darf ich auf meine Heimat sein und sie schützen?"

Die Menschlichen Bedürfnisse nach Sicherheit auf der einen Seite und Entwicklung auf der anderen Seite, die gleichermaßen seit zehntausenden von Jahren unser Überleben bedingen stehen sich, heute mehr denn je, gegenüber und erzeugen Reibung und ungeklärte Fragen. 

Genuss und Pflichtbewusstsein, Idealisierte (Glam-) Rock-Idole, mit denen die Nachkriegsgeneration gegen die Existenzängste ihrer Eltern aufrührte und Akzeptanz und Genuss der inneren schwarzen Seite, wie sie heute auf  überraschend friedliebenden Metalfestivals zelebriert wird.

Von Bowie und Mercury über Cobain bis Rammstein,

Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll!

Hell Yeah

...Oder besser doch nicht?

Perormances of Hell Yeah

03.04.19 - 20.00  TAR, Arnhem
04.04.19 - 20.00  TAR, Arnhem
05.04.19 - 20.00  TAR, Arnhem
Spring  2020, Dutch Tour (Dates coming soon)
NEON Choreographic Collective
Producer: De Nieuwe Oost, Arnhem & Shifft, Utrecht
Arnhen/ Utrecht, NL

Eine ultimative Harmonie im Geräuschdekor von

zwitschernden Vögeln. Ein Duett voll simultaner Bewegungen, die beinahe zu einem einzelnen sich bewegenden Körper verschmelzen. Dann folgt ein harter Übergang, ein pulsierender Soundtrack verdrängt die natürliche Ruhe und die Tänzer kleiden sich in strenge Geschäftsanzüge. Auf einmal hat ihre simultane Choreographie nichts harmonisches mehr, sondern es beginnt eine drängende, hitzige Jagd. In einer an Intensität zunehmenden, sehr straff ausgeführten Routine, sieht man zwei Menschen, die versuchen einen Rhythmus aufrecht zu erhalten, von dem aber schnell deutlich wird, dass er eigentlich unhaltbar ist. Währenddessen sacken ihnen die Beine Weg, sie knicken um, fallen zu Boden, aber sie raffen sich auf, schleppen sich selbst ins Ziel, stets wankender und wahnwitziger. Körper ist eine punktgenau ausgeführte, sehr spannende Performance, die unter anderem dem Kapitalismus harte Kommentare zuweist und ihn als ein System ausweist indem scheitern und präsentieren, unterdrücken und dominieren, gnadenlos die Identität jedes einzelnen bestimmen.


Perormances of Körper

Brighton Fringe Festival:
31.05.19 The Spire, Brighton
01.06.19 The Spire, Brighton
02.06.19 The Spire, Brighton
Moving Futures Festival:
18.05.19 LUX, Nijmegen
10.05.19 De Nieuwe Voorst, Tilburg
06.04.19 Podium Bloos, Breda
17.03.19 Grand Theatre, Groningen
Best Of Amsterdam Fringe Tour:
23.03.19 Theater Walhalla, Rotterdam
21.02.19 Theater Aan De Rijn, Arnhem
20.02.19 Het Nationale Theater Zaal 3, Den Haag
16.02.19 Theater Kikker, Utrecht
11.02.19 Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam
Amsterdam Fringe Festival:
14.09.18 Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis, Amsterdam
13.09.18 Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis, Amsterdam 
09.09.18 Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis, Amsterdam
08.09.18 Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis, Amsterdam
20.04.18 Theater Kikker, Utrecht | Monsteren
09.04.18 TAR, Arnhem | Dance Flavours
05.04.18 TAR, Arnhem | Uurtje Oost
Körper | Körper
NEON Choreographic Collective
Producer: De Nieuwe Oost, Arnhem
Saxnäs, SWE   
Arnhem, NL

Körper | Körper is the first piece that NEON toured in NL.  It is based on Leon’s personal story of identifying in society as a transgender and learning the difference of physical gender (sex) and social/stereotypical gender. It can be a painfull and dark topic but is definetely personal, intriguing and touching.


The content of the piece was researched in two residencies.

One in Saxnäs, Lappland, Sweden (3 weeks in October 2016)

Wich was based on a questionnaire that was given to local people of diverse age and gender.


It resulted in the short Movie “KörperKörper|KörperKörper” wich also strongly includes the topics race and religion.

And then a stage version oft he piece was sculpted in Arnhem at Theater Aan de Rijn in a two week Residence in May 2017.

The 30 minute piece “Körper|Körper” emerged from it wich was succesfully performed at „ITS Festival Amsterdam“ in 2017 and toured NL in 2018.

The main topics of this piece are gender, body and identity, based on a real, personal and current story.

Vielen Dank an Kaspar Föhres (Owna) und Erico Meijer (EM Productions) die den Prozess mit Sound- und Videokunst begleitet haben und gute Freunde geworden sind!


Frühere Projekte

admission of fallacy
inter native
just so you know
(neon choreographic collective)
Frank, we don't stay
(NEON Choreographic Collective)
Lightly, Lightly, Very Lightly
(neon choreographic collective)
On the moon
Decaying Bodies On
Black Concrete 
(d bob c)
NEON Choreographic
The Freezer Culture Centre
Ríf, iCE
Short Movie
Work In Progress
Inspirational Field Trip
Icelandic Nature
Ríf, Ice,  September 2017
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